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Education, civilization, entertainment: the Tivoli - an amusement park in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century Educación, civilización, entretenimiento: el Tivoli - un parque de diversión en Rio de Janeiro del siglo XIX DOI: Como fontes, optou-se pelo uso de jornais. Abstract: This article aimed to discuss the experience of Tivoli - the actions of the owners and the repercussions of their initiatives, with emphasis on the positions regarding public behaviour, interpreted from a double dimension: education for and through entertainment. It was one of the pioneers of amusement parks in Rio de Janeiro.

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Quanto fontes, optou-se pelo uso de jornais. Abstract: This article aimed to discuss the experience of Tivoli - the actions of the owners and the repercussions of their initiatives, with emphasis on the positions regarding public behaviour, interpreted from a double dimension: education for and through entertainment. It was one of the pioneers of amusement parks in Rio de Janeiro. Inaugurated init occupied a remarkable space in the city, an expression of the set of changes that marked the society of the State of Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century.

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