

Beyond these issues, virtual currencies can be a game of chance itself, as they have all its components: risk, hope, strategy, dedication and, above all, entertainment. Only in Spain, sports betting exceeds 5 billion euros a year, this represents 50 percent of all the money that the Spaniards spend on gambling. This modality, which is growing all over the world, presents challenges inside and outside the igaming universe and the businessmen of the sector are looking for markets for the generation of new businesses. Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay are the main destinations for Brazilians who can not play in their country and spend large sums of money every week at gaming tables of Punta del Este or Iguazu, leaving hundreds of millions of dollars a year out of the State coffers. According to recent statistics, Brazil has enormous social and economic potential for the development of Internet games, at a time when its growth does not seem to have a ceiling.

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