
Jogos de Cassino

But also says that they should be released 'in limited numbers and with specific legislation to support this activity. And what about the rest of gambling? Hugo Veiga - I am in favor of a casino clearance and legalization, but with restrictions and specific legislation to combat problems, such as possible money laundering. I also believe that there must be a limited number of these enterprises per state or region of the country. I am also in favor of legalizing other gambling modalities, such as poker and baccarat, but with even more care and legislation. Especially because we know that these activities, like the jogo do bicho, already happen freely in several cities of Brazil. That's why I think it's even hypocritical to ban casinos in the country. Paraguay, Uruguay and other neighboring countries have casinos, have never banned them and are still active today. In your opinion, should only resort casinos be allowed or do you think there may be physical casinos independent major hotels?

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